Exercising with your cats

These days, cat owners have plenty of options if they want to improve their cat’s heath. Dog owners have always taken their dogs on walks, but most people don’t know that you can actually do the same with a cat. If you have a cat that is not getting enough exercise then they are at risk of a number of different health conditions.

Dress for exercise

You need to make sure that you are dressed properly for exercise if you want to get fit at the same time as your cats. Proper exercise clothes such as well made high waisted leggings and t-shirts are essential for giving you the right amount of flexibility in movement. This is just what you need if you are going to go walking or even running.

Preparing cats for exercise

If you are taking your cat out for a walk then they will need to get used to wearing a harness. Some cats take to it easily but others struggle so you may need to put the harness on them in the house and practice them walking around wearing it. There are different designs of harness on the market so if the cat doesn’t get used to the one you choose it might be worth trying another.

Shorter walks are a good way to get the exercise started. Why not just walk up and down your own street to begin with? Try to do this at quieter times so that the cat is not distressed by other people and traffic.